Resumen del avance PVE de la guild en WOTLK
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Resumen del avance PVE de la guild en WOTLK
A dia de hoy Odisea puede presumir de haber tirado como mínimo una vez a los siguientes boss:
Raid de 10pj
+ Icecrown 10: (9/12)
Lich King --
Sindragosa --
Rescue Valithiria 3-12-2010
Blood-Queen Lana'thel --
Blood Prince Council 3-10-2010
Professor Putricide 3-11-2010
Festergut 1-25-2010
Rotface 2-04-2010
The Deathbringer 12-28-2009
Gunship Battle 12-28-2009
Lady Deathwhisper 12-28-2009
Lord Marrowgar 12-15-2009
+ Coliseum: (5/5)
Anub'arak 10-27-2009
Twin Val'kyr 10-27-2009
Faction Champions 10-19-2009
Lord Jaraxxus 10-06-2009
Northrend Beasts 10-05-2009
+ Onyxia : (1/1)
Onyxia (10 player) 9-24-2009
+ Ulduar: (12/14)
Flame Leviathan 2-08-2009
Razorscale 4-29-2009
XT-002 5-14-2009
Ignis 5-21-2009
Kologarn 5-21-2009
Assembly of Iron 5-31-2009
Auriaya 6-01-2009
Hodir 6-09-2009
Freya 6-16-2009
Mimiron 9-21-2009
Thorim 6-29-2009
General Vezax 9-22-2009
Yogg-Saron ---
Algalon ---
+ Naxxramas: (15/15)
Anub'Rekhan 12-08-2008 (Foto)
Grand Widow Faerlina 12-08-2008 (Foto)
Maexxna 12-27-2008 (Foto)
Noth the Plaguebringer 12-12-2008 (Foto)
Heigan the Unclean 1-09-2009 (Foto)
Loatheb 1-09-2009 (Foto)
Instructor Razuvious 12-17-2008 (Foto)
Gothik the Harvester 12-17-2008 (Foto)
The Four Horsemen 1-23-2009 (Foto)
Patchwerk 1-16-2009 (Foto)
Grobbulus 2-03-2009 (Foto)
Gluth 2-03-2009
Thaddius 10-02-2009
Sapphiron 10-02-2009
Kel'Thuzad 10-02-2009
+ Obsidian Sanctum:
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian (Foto)
+ The Eye of Eternity:
Malygos 12-03-2009
Raid de 25pj
+ Icecrown 25: (4/12)
Lich King ---
Sindragosa ---
Rescue Valithiria ---
Blood-Queen Lana'thel ---
Blood Prince Council ---
Professor Putricide ---
Festergut ---
Rotface ---
The Deathbringer 04-12-2010
Gunship Battle 04-12-2010
Lady Deathwhisper 04-12-2010
Lord Marrowgar 04-12-2010
+ Obsidian Sanctum:
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian 2-17-2009
+ The Eye of Eternity:
Malygos ---
+ Ulduar: (1/14)
Flame Leviathan 5-05-2009
Razorscale ---
XT-002 ---
Ignis ---
+ Naxxramas: (15/15)
Anub'Rekhan 2-08-2009
Grand Widow Faerlina 2-08-2009
Maexxna 2-08-2009
Noth the Plaguebringer 2-08-2009
Heigan the Unclean 2-08-2009
Loatheb 2-08-2009
Instructor Razuvious 3-02-2009
Gothik the Harvester 3-02-2009
The Four Horsemen 3-02-2009
Patchwerk 4-04-2009
Grobbulus 4-04-2009
Gluth 4-04-2009
Thaddius 4-04-2009
Sapphiron 4-13-2009
Kel'Thuzad 5-05-2009
Nota: Los que tienen 3 guiones (---) son los que aun no se han tirado.
Raid de 10pj
+ Icecrown 10: (9/12)
Lich King --
Sindragosa --
Rescue Valithiria 3-12-2010
Blood-Queen Lana'thel --
Blood Prince Council 3-10-2010
Professor Putricide 3-11-2010
Festergut 1-25-2010
Rotface 2-04-2010
The Deathbringer 12-28-2009
Gunship Battle 12-28-2009
Lady Deathwhisper 12-28-2009
Lord Marrowgar 12-15-2009
+ Coliseum: (5/5)
Anub'arak 10-27-2009
Twin Val'kyr 10-27-2009
Faction Champions 10-19-2009
Lord Jaraxxus 10-06-2009
Northrend Beasts 10-05-2009
+ Onyxia : (1/1)
Onyxia (10 player) 9-24-2009
+ Ulduar: (12/14)
Flame Leviathan 2-08-2009
Razorscale 4-29-2009
XT-002 5-14-2009
Ignis 5-21-2009
Kologarn 5-21-2009
Assembly of Iron 5-31-2009
Auriaya 6-01-2009
Hodir 6-09-2009
Freya 6-16-2009
Mimiron 9-21-2009
Thorim 6-29-2009
General Vezax 9-22-2009
Yogg-Saron ---
Algalon ---
+ Naxxramas: (15/15)
Anub'Rekhan 12-08-2008 (Foto)
Grand Widow Faerlina 12-08-2008 (Foto)
Maexxna 12-27-2008 (Foto)
Noth the Plaguebringer 12-12-2008 (Foto)
Heigan the Unclean 1-09-2009 (Foto)
Loatheb 1-09-2009 (Foto)
Instructor Razuvious 12-17-2008 (Foto)
Gothik the Harvester 12-17-2008 (Foto)
The Four Horsemen 1-23-2009 (Foto)
Patchwerk 1-16-2009 (Foto)
Grobbulus 2-03-2009 (Foto)
Gluth 2-03-2009
Thaddius 10-02-2009
Sapphiron 10-02-2009
Kel'Thuzad 10-02-2009
+ Obsidian Sanctum:
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian (Foto)
+ The Eye of Eternity:
Malygos 12-03-2009
Raid de 25pj
+ Icecrown 25: (4/12)
Lich King ---
Sindragosa ---
Rescue Valithiria ---
Blood-Queen Lana'thel ---
Blood Prince Council ---
Professor Putricide ---
Festergut ---
Rotface ---
The Deathbringer 04-12-2010
Gunship Battle 04-12-2010
Lady Deathwhisper 04-12-2010
Lord Marrowgar 04-12-2010
+ Obsidian Sanctum:
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian 2-17-2009
+ The Eye of Eternity:
Malygos ---
+ Ulduar: (1/14)
Flame Leviathan 5-05-2009
Razorscale ---
XT-002 ---
Ignis ---
+ Naxxramas: (15/15)
Anub'Rekhan 2-08-2009
Grand Widow Faerlina 2-08-2009
Maexxna 2-08-2009
Noth the Plaguebringer 2-08-2009
Heigan the Unclean 2-08-2009
Loatheb 2-08-2009
Instructor Razuvious 3-02-2009
Gothik the Harvester 3-02-2009
The Four Horsemen 3-02-2009
Patchwerk 4-04-2009
Grobbulus 4-04-2009
Gluth 4-04-2009
Thaddius 4-04-2009
Sapphiron 4-13-2009
Kel'Thuzad 5-05-2009
Nota: Los que tienen 3 guiones (---) son los que aun no se han tirado.
Última edición por elKender el Mar Abr 13, 2010 10:40 am, editado 14 veces (Razón : Actualizar Kills)
elKender- Admin
- Cantidad de envíos : 223
Puntos : 257
Fecha de inscripción : 31/08/2008
Edad : 44
Localización : Barcelona
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Jue Mar 03, 2011 12:43 pm por elKender
» Chaman xDDDD
Vie Ene 28, 2011 2:08 pm por elKender
» ssttoorrmm
Miér Dic 09, 2009 10:35 am por dualin
» Apply Khundor
Miér Dic 09, 2009 10:32 am por dualin
» Flash druida 80
Vie Ago 07, 2009 12:26 pm por Invitado
» Aniversario Odisea
Vie Mayo 15, 2009 11:14 am por elKender
» Crear cuenta del foro
Jue Mayo 14, 2009 1:11 pm por elKender
» Priest Shadow Ingresar en la hermandad
Jue Mayo 14, 2009 12:50 pm por elKender
» Loot en las raids oficiales (como despojar)
Mar Mayo 12, 2009 1:29 pm por elKender